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Here are a range of my outputs including peer-reviewed publications, conference items, and other outputs.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  1. Nahar, N. and Cross, D.  (In Press) A case study of Students as partners in e-contents creation. International Journal of Students as Partners

  2. Prescott, J., Illiff, P., andCross, D. (In Press) Co-Creating real-world research skills, International Journal for Students as Partners.

  3. Prescott, J., Cross, D.,Illif, P., & Edmondson,D. (2019)Students as co-creators of a Mobile app to enhance learning and teaching in HE In Mobile Technologies for Organizational Learning. IGI Global pp 96-116 DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8106-2.ch006

  4. Cross, D. (2018) Refugee healthcare professionals, education and training – Reache North West as a case study. In: Refugee Education: Integration and Acceptance of Refugees in Mainstream Society. Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning (11). Emerald, pp. 47-64. ISBN 978-1-78714-796-

  5. McIntosh, E and Cross, D. (2017) Who sets the agenda onstudent engagement? The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change Vol 3, No 2.

  6. Cross, D.(2016) Reache North West – Applying transition pedagogy principles to Refugee Healthcare Professionals and International Medical Students/Graduates STARS

  7. McIntosh, E., Cross, D.  (2016) Who sets the agenda?  A new perspective on student experience, transition and engagement. STARS

  8. Cross, D., Smalldridge, A.  (2011) Improving written and verbal communication skills for international medical graduates: A linguisticand medical approach. Medical Teacher, Volume 33, Number 7, pp. e364-e367

Reports and Other Outputs

  1. Cross D. (In Press) Book Jacket Introduction. University Partnership for Sustainable Development. Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning

  2. Cross, D,(2019) ‘Managing and matching mutual expectations with I.C.E’. Talking Teaching AdvanceHE. 1 July  Availble at: (Accessed: 31 July 2019) - (Was used in the Opening Press for the Annual AdvanceHE Conference

  3. Cross, D and Waugh, G. (2019) Professional Matters - Case Study, InTuition Issue 36 page 26. Society for Education and Training

  4. Cross, D.(2019) 'Model for Matching Learner and Tutor Expectations'. Society for Education and Training. 13 May. Available at: (Accessed: 31 July 2019)

  5. Cross, D(2018), SOTLVision and Multi-national teaching fellows. Introduction to SOTL, University of East London

  6. Cross, D, Prescott, J, Iliff, P. Edmondson, E., Fuala, Y, 2018 – Institutional Nominee for the HEA CATE Award

  7. Cross, D. and Prescott, J. 2018 – HEFCE Final Report for Catalyst Fund

  8. Cross, D. (2018) My journey to HEA Principal Fellow. Talking Teaching, Higher Education Academy Blog

  9. Cross, D. and Abrahamson, E. (2018)  SOTLVision – A pilot multisite conference seminar

  10. 10. Prescott, J., Iliff, P., Edmondson, E., Fuala, Y, & Cross, D. (2018) VR Game  HEFCE Catalyst Fund

  11. Cross, D. (2017) Bonfire of the adjectives; exploring standardizationEducational Developers’ Cookbook York University, Toronto, Canada

  12. Cross, D. (2017) Sharing your Ideas, concerns, and expectations from the Outset    Guest post -Trust Me! PhD Supervision Blog  July 2019

  13. 13.  Cross, D.,Iliff, P. Edmondson, E., Fuala, Y, & Prescott, J. UBolt App  HEFCE Catalyst Fund

  14. Cross, D.Managing Expectations at University using I.C.E University of Bolton, Welcome Week 2017

  15. Cross, .Dand Prescott, J 2017 – HEFCE Interim Report for Catalyst Fund

  16. Cross, D.Managing Expectations using I.C.E.TEDX,Bolton 2017  

  17. McIntosh, E. & Shaw J. (2017) Student Resilience: Exploring the positive case for resilience. Unite– Case study contribution

  18. Cross, D, Keaney, M, Smalldridge, A. & Sykes, M. (2014) City of Sanctuary – 1st Sanctuary in Health Award

  19. Medical Schools Council, (2013) Clinical Communication Proficiency Assessment for European Union Doctors (CCPA) Pilot Exam Report   Author of Report in Appendix 8.2 - workacknowledged in Cushing et al (2014) Patient safety and communication: A new assessment for doctors trained in countries where language differs from that of the host country: Results of a pilot using a domain-based assessment.Patient Education and Counselling

  20. Cross, D. (2012) Reache North West; 10-year EvaluationReport for Health Education England

  21. Cross, D (2012) SCoLAR – Salford Communication and Language Assessment Resource – Business Case

  22. Cross, D., Keaney,M., Trafford, P., Smalldridge,A. Support for International Medical Graduates   13 November 2010


Conference Presentations/Papers 

  1. Pebblepad Mini Bash, Birmingham 2019Cross, D & Lovatt, J. Reflections onUsing PebblePad for professional recognition portfolios  

  2. European First Year Experience Cork 2019 Nahar, N. &Cross,D  Engagement through partnership: students as partners in teaching and learning in the context of digital literacy skills development

  3. EuroSoTL, Bilbao 2019 Hamshire, C., Jack, K., Forsyth, R. & Cross, D. EuroSoTL 2021 Launch

  4. EuroSoTL, Bilbao 2019 Nahar, N. & Cross,D Students as Partners in E-Content Creation: Co-designing and delivery of the Curriculum

  5. EuroSoTL,  Bilbao 2019 Cross, D & Lovatt, J. Using PebblePad to reflect on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning on a UK Higher Education Teaching Qualification  (Accepted not presented)

  6. Society for Education and Training, Bolton 2019 Cross, D. Supportive Leadership and Teaching: Helping Teachers and Learners reach their full potential

  7. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Bergen 2018 Cross, D. & Abrahamson, E. SoTLVision –An evaluation of a pilot multi-site conference/workshop

  8. TIRI Annual Conference, 2018Prescott, J., Cross, D., Illif, P. and Edmonson, D. Students as Collaborators

  9. SOLSTICE Learning and Teaching Conference, Edgehill 2018Moscrop, C. & Cross, D. Developing the scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) at an institutional level

  10. Change Agent Network ,Winchester 2018 Cross, D, Prescott, J, Illif ,P, Edmondson, D. and Fuala, Y.A mobile app and VR game to enhance learning and teaching: collaborative research with students

  11. RAISE, Manchester  2017 Fuala, Y., Illif, P., Edmondson, D., Cross, D., and Prescott. J.  Student led reflections on a HEFCE Funded project

  12. TIRI Annual Conference, 2017 Cross, D. TIRI Teaching Award Scheme

  13. TIRI Annual Conference, 2017 Cross, D  TIRI Managing Expectations using I.C.E

  14. Doctoral Supervision Symposium, University of Bristol 2017 Cross, D. Would youlike ICE with that? Using the ICE model to develop trust and manage expectations.

  15. TIRI Global Week, Bolton 2016 Agboma, F., Cross, D. Mentoring Off Campus Partners: A duality of cross-cultural challenges

  16. STARS, Australia, 2016  Cross, D. 2016 Reache North West – Applying transition pedagogy principles to Refugee Healthcare Professionals and International Medical Students/Graduates

  17. STARS, Australia, 2016  McIntosh, E., . Who sets the agenda?  A new perspective on student experience, transition and engagement

  18. TIRI Annual Conference, 2015 Cross, D.  Annual Quality Monitoring

  19. TIRI Annual Conference, 2015 Cross, D.  High Impact Educational Practices

  20. ASME, Brighton, 2014 Metcalf, J., Woodun,H., Pierce,N., Golla,J., Basu,D., Cross,D., Smalldridge, A., Sykes, M., Keaney,M., Illing, J.;   Easing Transition into Working in the NHS:Piloting an Enhanced Shadowing Programme for Overseas Doctors

  21. Health and Care Innovation Expo, Manchester, 2014 Cross, D.; Reache North West, Refugee Healthcare Professionals.

  22. City of Sanctuary Annual Conference, Bradford, 2013 Cross, D., Keaney M.;Reache North West, training and education for refugee and asylum-seekinghealthcare professionals seeking to re-qualify in the UK

  23. General Medical Council Equality and Diversity Conference, Manchester, 2013Cross, D., Keaney M.;Reache North West, Refugee Healthcare Professionals.

  24. European Association ofCommunication in Healthcare (EACH) St Andrews, Scotland, 2012Smalldridge, A., Cross, D., Identifying International Medical Graduates’ Language and Communication Learning Needs using a combined linguistic and clinical approach 

  25. Communication, Medicine and Ethics (COMET) Trondheim, Norway, 2012 Cross, D.,Smalldridge, A., Sykes, M., Keaney, M.; Safe and Effective Clinical Communication (SECC); A skills training course for international medical graduates 


To see more outputs please download my full CV which also includes

  • Conference Posters

  • Conference Workshops

  • Keynotes/Invited Speaker

  • Commissioned Teaching Programmes

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